Friday, June 15, 2007


In a discussion in a longtime Thursday morning men's group, centered in our faith in Jesus Christ seeking the answers to how shall we live through the understanding that "the bible alone is the word of God," judgment was brought up.

As is the case with the question of judgment, Jesus' words " Do not judge or you to will be judged" (Matt. 7:1 and Luke 6:37) are quoted and become absolute without the context. * Look at John 7:24 with Jesus saying "Judge with a righteous judgment." What's up with that?

Context! Jesus is saying not judge with differing measures. In other words it is not good to say, "do as I say, not as I do." Take a look at James 2:1-13 as judging with favoritism.

The Bible in the Old Testament has set forth a principle "that the standard of judgment must be distributed equally and used without favoritism."*

Look at Lev. 19:35, Num. 15:16, Deut. 16:18, Deut. 25:13

"Jesus opposes the way in which some people judge not judgment itself."

What standard will we use in making judgments?

* Quotes and thoughts in this post are from Gary Demar's book "Myths, Lies, & Half Truths," (Chap. 4) a recommended reading.